Top Tips for Talent Attraction
Attracting and retaining top talent is high on everyone’s agendas. We are a long way from the 2007 recession, where clients could advertise a job and be inundated with a multitude of talented candidates looking for their next step. While the level of applications is still as healthy, the job market is strong, so a talented candidate will often be presented with choice and won’t necessarily have to take the first job that comes along.
This means for you, the Client, there is much more competition, with the best talent being in high demand. To the extent that we are regularly seeing counter offers for top candidates from companies trying to recruit the very best candidates for their business.
We have put together some top tips for you, to ensure that you are attracting the best talent in today’s candidate driven market.
Are you offering an excellent package?
We are not just talking about basic salary, although if this is good that obviously helps. What are the true benefits to working for your company? Employee satisfaction often comes from being valued and this is often shown through things like: whether a company offers development opportunities, encouraging a work / life balance, recognising and rewarding achievement.
What makes your company stand apart from the others?
Your values as a company can often be the main reason you will have a long and fruitful relationship with your employees. If your values are in line with your potential employee then that is half the battle in winning the best candidates, who will be much more likely to accept an offer from a company that they feel a synergy with from the beginning. People are much more aware of company culture these days and it is often as important in a candidate’s decision making process as the tangible aspects of an offer.
How do you communicate your company brand?
Having a strong external brand is great attraction to any potential recruit, however an awareness of your employer/talent brand is also really important. Doing business with a company, and working for it, is not the same so it is worth considering how you communicate what it is really like to work for your business. How do you communicate why people will want to work for you? You need to sell your company, what makes it so great to work for?
Finally, be prepared to make a decision quickly
It is understandable that there are processes in place for recruitment, however to succeed in recruiting the strongest candidates then it is essential that you move quickly. If you are interviewing a candidate that you think is something special, chances are there are other companies interviewing them too. Go with your instinct if you see someone who you think would be perfect for the role, act quickly and get your offer in to make sure you don’t miss out.
So, in conclusion, it really is essential to understand what is going to motivate and inspire the candidates you want to be recruiting. All interviews are a two-way thing and it is the perfect opportunity for you to be promoting your company and values to ensure that you recruit the best candidate out there.
A fundamental part to all of the above is choosing the right recruitment partner, one that understands your needs as a business but also your values to ensure that they can find the closest match possible to your brief. By doing this you can have complete confidence in following their advice on what the recruitment market can offer you at the particular time you are recruiting.