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Investigo's Mental Health Awareness Month

​We are pleased to announce that we are hosting a Mental Health Awareness Month throughout the whole of May - this coincides with the UK’s official Mental Health Awareness week (14th - 18th May).

Over the course of this month we are hosting lunch & learns and activities for our employees that all focus on helping to boost mental well-being. We have Fitness First involved to run outdoor group exercise classes for us and experts coming in to speak to us about mindfulness and mental health first aid. We are also hosting a workplace mental health first aid event for over 80 of our clients.

Nick Baxter, CEO, commented: “From the beginning of our annual charity partnership with Centre for Mental Health, it was important that our contribution went beyond just fundraising. As a business, we wanted to ensure that we fostered an environment where we can all speak more openly about mental health and in turn support one another better. Our aim is to help influence change surrounding the stigma around mental health in today’s working world. Being more aware of both our own mental wellbeing, as well as looking out for one another, is so important in today’s world where we are all facing different challenges.”

With two thirds of us knowing somebody affected by mental illness and one in six people experiencing a common mental health problem in any given week, this is an issue we all need to face up to. The business cost of mental health is estimated in the region of £34bn from sickness absence, reduced productivity and replacing people who leave jobs for mental health reasons. Workplace mental health is a topic we should all be encouraging conversation about, amongst our employees.

If you would like to know more about our upcoming workplace mental health event or to receive a copy of our Insight magazine on the topic, then please contact